AKC Master Hunter Black Labrador Are you ready for hunting season? CK’s Coot MH, He is a really good boy 75# He is OFA Good, Elbows Normal, Cerf., PRA, EIC, CNM Clear. He is 5 years old. He is out of FC Pike of Castlebay, and CK’s Smarty-Pants. All 4 grandparents are FC, AFC and NAFC. He made Master Hunter at 2 years 9 months. He does a great job in the field and has a great On/Off switch. He is great with other dogs. He runs nice blinds and can mark any bird shot and makes nice retrievers. He is a really nice dog. Quite in the kennel and does well in the house. He has DNA profile and is a proven Stud He has nice large litters that are very Bridie. $7000.00,
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